Our service will be closed from 23/12/2024 (Mon) to 8/1/2025 (Wed). 晨光服務將於2024年12月23日 (週一) 至2024年1月7日 (週日) 休假。

Support for Pastors – Pastor Dr Devin Yu, Pastors Renewal Ministry

How well do you know your pastors? Are you supportive of their ministry? Do you care about their overall well-being? When we are down or face challenges in our personal lives, spiritual lives, careers, ministries, marital, family, or inter-personal relationships, we can always talk to our fellow Christians or pastors.  But what if our pastors are similarly down or challenged, who can they talk to? Who will be their friends and confidants?  Of course, as Christians, we could and should always turn to our heavenly Father and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ for comfort, guidance and direction.  But God also made us in his own image, an intra-trinitarian relational image, and that means we are social beings and need social interactions, friendships, and companionships, in good times and especially in bad. 

In the New Testament, we see the apostle Paul encouraged and shared his life, both his joy and his suffering for the gospel, with his fellow pastors who had likewise been called by God, such as the young Timothy.   Paul was well-aware of the many challenges facing Timothy in his pastoring ministry.  He demonstrated by his words as well as by his action the importance of loving not only his flock but those amongst them who became pastors themselves.  Paul would remember Timothy in his prayers, night and day, even with tears; and he would long to see Timothy so that he might be filled with joy. (2 Tim 1:3-4).  Through God’s words and prayers, they gave one another more than social support, but also emotional and spiritual support.  

Today, the physical, psychological, emotional, interpersonal, and spiritual demands on our pastors are unimaginably high, and at times, rather unbearable.  However, God never meant any Christian nor, for that matter, any pastor, to serve Him and to run the race alone.  We are constantly engaged in spiritual warfare for Christ, and we are so much stronger and safer if we serve together as comrades in battles, bearing one another’s burdens, stirring one another on, and praying for one another when we are doubtful, lost, stressed, exhausted, hurt, lonely, downcast, or ready to give up.  Pastors may also fall prey to all kinds of temptations, and if they do, the harm may easily undo all the good their ministries had done before.

Praise the Lord that back in 2015 He has envisioned this Pastors Renewal Ministry (PRM) at FLC as part of our harm prevention initiatives. Now, we have a team of seven (7) experienced and passionate pastors who have been called to mentor those who are new or preparing to embark in pastoral ministries, or to walk with those who are struggling or facing all kinds of challenges in their private lives or ministries.   Our care also extends to their spouses and is available free of charge.  All matters discussed are strictly confidential, and on a one-on-one basis.   Regular conferences, seminars, forums, and retreat camps will also be held to provide continuing, relevant and much-needed training and support to pastors and their spouses.  Please pray for this worthwhile ministry. 

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